Building belonging in organizations to optimize performance and create a better future for all
We provide a myriad of inclusive leadership training options to help you reach your business goals.

Intercultural Development Inventory® (IDI®) $200
Take the premier cross-culturally valid assessment to understand how well you communicate across differences compared to how well you think you communicate. Learn about your results and why they are what they are in a 45-minute 1:1 debrief.
Inclusive Leadership Journey 2-6 people: $500 each
After taking the IDI®, build your skills and knowledge to become a more inclusive leader. Take the IDI® as a "post-test" to see how you've grown. Recommended for small groups (6 max).
The 5 VoicesTM
Improve team communication by understanding the 5 leadership voices (powered by GiANT). This 5 workshop series helps your team understand cognitive differences including how team members think and approach problems differently, how they respond under stress, and how to support each other in an inclusive empowering way. Learn more.
HR DEI Consulting $100/hr
Over the past few years, many organizations have added DEI strategy and implementation under the responsibility of HR managers. If you are an HR "office -of-one", strategize with me and gain an experienced colleague whose got your back. This work can feel frustrating and lonely. Some people will think you're not doing enough to advance DEIB and others will feel like the company is moving too fast and changing too much.
Keynote Topics $1000
Celebrating and Understanding AAPI Experiences
A great keynote for AAPI heritage month in May.
The 5 Voices
Our 5 Voices workshop in keynote format. Ideal for helping your entire organization upskill all at once.

Inclusive Leadership Training
Specially designed for NAAAP-KC members, this Asian American cohort of professionals will experience the power of the 5 Voices in a series of 5 interactive workshops. October 3 - October 31, 2023.
Participants will:
Gain self-awareness and confidence as they discover their natural Leadership Voice
Identify how their culture influences how they show up at work
Learn to foster deeper relational trust
Gain skills to foster true inclusion for everyone on their team
Learn to calibrate support and challenge to optimize performance for themselves, direct reports, and anyone else they lead

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